Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sunday Morning: What Is It?

(Photo from papaija2008 - FreeDigitalPhotos,net)
What is Sunday morning about?

When you or I attend what we often call 'church' on Sunday, what is that time about?
Some would contend that Sunday is about good music i.e. 'music that I like'.
Some might contend it is about the clear preaching of God's Word.
Some might offer that Sunday is about having a place where we are able to invite a non-believing friend.

Historically, however, Sunday morning has been called a worship service.
Simply put, Sunday morning is primarily about the worship of God, and secondarily it is about the benefit that you or I might receive as a congregant.

This is vital. This perspective begins to eliminate an approach to Sunday mornings that says it's all about me and if I like what is happening.  "I don't like the music", "I didn't like the sermon", "I didn't think that video was good" - all this language should fade because our primary focus is on the question of if God was worshiped in our gathering.  "What did I think about Sunday morning" is no longer the question - "Was God worshiped?" becomes the question.

Sunday morning is a worship service.
We gather to worship God.
